weekly AMA with Catherine from Node Pacific: a blockchain is a community, a new way to define the relationship between people

Exchange BW (BW Exchange)
9 min readSep 24, 2019


The AMA (Ask Me Anything) held every Friday by the official telegram(following as BW) invited Catherine from node Pacific this week.
as one of the largest public chain in the world, Catherine shared the experience with BW community regarding how to build a world-level community and the method for governance. She also shared the difficulty and her personal thoughts through the development of Node pacific community, asa well as her own opinion on blockchain.
The BW international operations team recorded the whole interview and shared the essence here:

Section 1: Introduction

Allen: could you introduce yourself and how you enter into this industry ? thanks.

Catherine(The following is abbreviated as C): I am a continuous entrepreneur early practitioners in the blockchain industry, participated in the construction of many famous public chains at home and abroad.

Section 2: Questions from BW 8 global Communities

Question1 @NitinCrypto from BW Indian community:
What is the scope for DApps developers in your ecosystem?
(आपके इकोसिस्टम में DApps डेवलपर्स के लिए क्या गुंजाइश है?)

C: Ok. DApps play a very important role in our Ecosystem. We believe that DApps developers are the core engine of blockchain.
However, each blockchain has unique ecosystem as well as technology behind, i.e. single blockchain should have own specific appetize on different types of developers. We are working with all our chains partners to identify those developers who are suitable for their chains.
In the meantime, we help developers to find out which chain has the most value to their hard works.
On the other hand, we believe that proper rewards should be given to those help public chains. We help chains to develop rewards system to give prizes to each hard working developers. Also we organize roadshows for developers to demonstrate how good they are in the community.
We have made a lot of efforts on online video meeting for developers and core team. Also we are partnership with core teams to organize hackathon off-line.

Question2 @Gany21 from BW English Community: What type of Nodes do you participate in? What do you look before participating? Could normal user become a node? If so, how should I do?

C: This is a very good question. Currently we are participate nodes cross consensus, including DPoS, PoS, PoW and distributed file system etc and many more is coming.
We have participated in about 20 public chains, including EOS, Lambda, IOST, CMT, BOS, CPChain, Cosmos and so on. Thank you for your voting.
Basically, we are looking at two aspects, tech and community. From the tech prospects, we evaluate if the project has made significant improvement on current development such as: consensus, layer-2, smart-contract engine or resources allocations?
It is important to find out if such improvement is realized or in progress, or just saying to do so. On the other hand, we will evaluate the capability of running community for each core team. Blockchain is more than tech, but a new way to define the relationship between people or accounts in blockchain, :P. A successful project must have a reliable and efficient team in terms of operation.
Having said that, we would be caring less if such project has significant investors or not under current environment. We put our eyes on what they have really done.
Not all chains welcome normal people to participate the node, unless you are really rich. But there are some chains allowing individuals with minimum tokens to participate node and enjoy the benefits, by giving automated tools to run nodes. Individuals could be important to the ecosystem and make contributions.
We are talking to our chain partners to consider this. Some of them are already working on such plan and we will notify you folks as soon as they have done it.

Question3 @bakugazz from BW Russian Community:
What benefits can projects get from working with you? Why is your service better than others? Can you guarantee the safety and stability of your products?
(Какую пользу проекты могут извлечь из сотрудничества с вами? Чем ваш сервис лучше других? Можете ли вы гарантировать безопасность и стабильную работу? )

C:Answer: Pacific is making four major contributions: Governance, Tech and EcoSystem, Social Responsibility and Api tools to connect non-blockchain industry. That is how we are better than our other peers.

(1)Governance: a lot of chains do not have public governance running by nodes, which means they are not public chains yet. A governance is a method and way to organize nodes to achieve consensus for tech and token economics.
Pacific is acting the chair of governance to maintain the procedures, rules and messages delivering to community. Pacific is not making influences on the decisions making for the democracy.
For some chains which already have governance, Pacific is helping them to enhance it and convince the core team to release more responsibility to the community. For those not ready to have governance, Pacific educates them for the importance of governance and also helps nodes how to do a proper roadshow in front of the community.
(2) Tech and Ecosystem, Pacific is strong in Tech and has never lost blocks since running nodes. Such solid tech background and connections with core team, attracts developers to make contributions in each chain. Meanwhile, it brings value to the token holders.
(3) Social responsibility: We are acting the culture bridge between people. Pacific brings minority into core blockchain governance. We have successful sent two minority professionals into EOS core governance councils. Also, our EOS governance community EMAC has successfully trace back 2 million USD worth stolen tokens by volunteers. We are continuously making efforts on the token holder educations for security and protection. We have done more than 30 online zoom video calls for such educations. Pacific is recognized as one of the most valuable node in 2018, EOS global developer meeting from EOS cores.
(4) We are building tools to connect blockchain with non-blockchain world. Our automated tool helps non-blockchain projects / developers to easily access blockchain network. In the mean time, it brings in additional new values from outside, not just from blockchain ecosystem.
We are nodes based on our reputations and what we have contributed before. This will guarantee us to continuously work hard with high quality

Question4 @CryptogramTR from BW Turkish Community:
we have known that Node Pacific is one of the largest node for EOS, so what’s your opinion on the Future of EOS, since BM has already left the project? And we know you launched your original token, what’s that useful for ordinary users?
(Pasifik Düğümü’nün EOS için en büyük düğümlerden biri olduğunu biliyoruz, bu yüzden BM projeden ayrıldığından beri EOS’un Geleceği ile ilgili fikriniz nedir? Ve orijinal simgenizi başlattığınızı biliyoruz, sıradan kullanıcılar için ne yararı var?)

C:Well, no matter what BM will do in the future, he always surprises us as usual, EOS is still considered one of the fastest public chains. Pacific will continue supporting EOS, we are not seeing any change of such decision in the near future.
In terms of our new tokens, it is one of our answers for the Q1 as well, individuals find it to o difficult participate node benefits while not all public chains are open enough for individuals giving a high tech barrier.
NPTX is a token we design for normal individuals to participate such benefits without much wealth and tech. It would be an easy way for everyone!

More info: ( (

Question5 @ryann_craig from BW African Community:
what’s the biggest challenge on running node for public chain? How you guys overcome it? There are many public chains, what’s the difference when you deal with different chains? I assume that running node for EOS could be different from running node for IOST.

C: Thanks Craig, I think this is another great question.
We are facing a lot of challenges indeed. And one of the most difficult ones is that: “how to make a new community to accept you? As I said it before, a blockchain is a community. Every chain is different.
However, based on our previous contributions (mentioned in Q3), and values brought into chains, the community usually accepts us quickly as these values are exactly what they wanted and nobody has done it before (I believe you folks might have the same feelings as well)
Different chain has different culture, that is why it is so important to understand the culture difference and this is what Pacific is good at.
Let us take EOS and IOST as a sample.
EOS has a much more matured ecosystem so each node actually know what exactly they need to do to get the votes.
However, when IOST starts the node elections, not many of them understand what governance or election means in terms of blockchain. We educated them how to do so, and look, there are hundreds of nodes in IOST now from a lot of different countries. This is the value Pacific can bring in.

Question6 @hemadi21 from BW Indonesia Community:
Why do we need a Pacific node? how important is the pacific node? and how effective is the Pacific node in the 20 public chains? Any patnership with another public chain in the next future?
(indo: kenapa kita membutuhkan node pasific? seberapa penting node pasific? dan seberapa efektif node pasific dalam 20 public chain tersebut??)

C: I think I have answered some of the questions in Q3, Q4 and Q5.

Pacific is adding values in terms of Governance, Tech and EcoSystem, Social Responsibility and Api tools to connect non-blockchain industry.
We are running goverances or establishing ecosystem or producing blocks for 20 public chains. And there are many more coming in the short future! Thank you for your vote and attention!

Question7 @Kingmamb0 from BW Spanish Community:
What are the plan of expansions of the company? thinking about hyperfocusing locally before jumping to the rest of the world? What about the Whitepaper?, I still couldn’t find a draft in website.

(¿Cuál es el plan de expansión de la empresa? ¿Piensan en un hiperenfoque local antes de saltar al resto del mundo? ¿Qué hay del Libro Blanco?, todavía no he podido encontrar un borrador en el sitio web).

C: Pacific is a company born international. We are expanding our footprints all over the world. (Now our business has covered 10 countries and regions)
When we talk about “local”, it means we tailor-made for each chain. Having said that, since blockchain is decentralized, a real public chain should not have a concept of “local”in terms of physical locations.
you could find our whitepaper on

Question8 @abehisorhi3 from BW Japanese Community:
What is the CPCAC-CPChain core governance community?


C: We created governance communities in every project we participated in. As CPCAC as example, CPCAC is CPChain core governance community which initiated by us. It doesn’t have arbitration function, doesn’t participate in governance implementation, and only does CPChain governance training and education, aiming to build consensus of CPChain community.
CPCAC Vision

CPCAC hopes that it could continue to build and improve the CPChain governance community, attract the global blockchain technology and governance enthusiasts to comprehen and participate in CPChain, build a rich and diverse governance communication community for CPChain, and gradually transition

CPChain to community-based governance and expand continuously. In order that the cohesiveness of CPChain forms a strong and irreplaceable consensus mechanism.

Question9 @ Adolia_or
What’s the beneitial aspects if node pacific work with

C: we have the same idea, we hope to make contributions to the industry, for everyone.
we can work together at the community level, at the technical level.
B.W has huge global community resources, global projects. We can serve it, and for us, further expand our global business.

Question10: @toanphamhd
What has been the biggest technical challenge that you overcame this year? What is it that makes your solution better others similar projects?

C: We have great confidence in our technical ability. In the beginning, it took us days to conquer a project node. But this year, we didn’t actually have a technical problem.

Currently we are participate nodes cross consensus, including DPoS, PoS, PoW and distributed file system etc. We welcome projects with different technical characteristics to come to us and communicate or cooperate with us. Doing nodes is a threshold thing.
There are time threshold, technical threshold, knowledge threshold. As the first professional node in the world and the team with the most project participation, we have some rich technical accumulation. This may be what sets us apart from other projects.
I am looking forward to communicating with friends who are interested in blockchain technology. We will often organize meetings and invite everyone to discuss technical issues together.

Thanks for watching this AMA. If you are interested in Node Pacific, please visit their
official website:
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