weekly AMA with Miss.Bee from BlockBurn: We developed plans based on the needs of the community;BW provided us a springboard that could reach users of different regions
The AMA (Ask Me Anything) held every Friday by the official telegram(following as BW). Welcomed BlockBurn’s team member Miss BEE this week. In two hours, Miss. Bee answered questions from members of the BW 8global communities. She mentioned the reason why started this project, the importance of utility for BlockBurn and also the best and worst scenarios during the development of this project. The BW international operations team recorded the whole interview and shared the essence here:
Section 1: Introduction
Allen: First of all, could you give us a little bit of introduction to yourself? how you enter the blockchain space and how you work at Blockburn, Thanks.
BEE: I am BEE, a team member of BlockBurn. I was surfing the internet back in 2015 when I stumbled on an article relating to blockchain and I had quite an interesting read. My read led me to Bitcointalk, Reddit, and eventually telegram. On each of these platforms, I learned about a number of project and blockchain integrations.
For BlockBurn, I met quite a number of blockchain enthusiast, we discussed for a number of projects until we eventually came up with deflationary token based on findings. So far, the work with these teams has been quite tasking but good.
Section 2: Questions from BW 7 global Communities
Question 1: By @fsociety878. (BW English Community)
Can you briefly explain how the Top milestones that the Blockburn team aims to execute before the end of this year or going to execute in the future, will help them succeed and What Blockburn may look like in 2020 and beyond?
BEE: The top milestone BlockBurn aims to achieve is the launch of our decentralized application. This app has four features which include staking, read and earn, wallet and lottery. In the future, we hope to delve into gaming Dapps. With the aforementioned milestone, we hope to increase the usability of BlockBurn token thereby making it a utility. The features of the app would encourage user participation which in turn would facilitate Mainstream adoption of the blockchain.
Question 2: By @Ramaafadillah92.(BW Indonesia Community)
How can burn project maximize the system that already written in white paper into a coin that can compete in the future so that it can make promising future assets? And What is the difference with other coins? So that it is worth burning into our assets for today and the future?
(bagaimana cara project burn memaksimalkan sistemya yang tertera di kertas putih menjadi coin yang bisa bersaing masa depan sehingga dapat menjadikan aset masa depan yang menjanjikan, and apa yang perbedaannya dengan coin lain ? Sehingga sangat layak burn menjadi aset kita untuk hari ini dan masa depan?)
BEE: Thanks, this is quite an interesting question as it borders on every blockchain project. We are keen on executing everything as stated on our white paper and road map, and so far we have successfully deployed a number innovative breakthroughs that other deflationary tokens in the space can only dream of, and this includes but not limited to recently listing on a top 10 exchange, creating an app with gaming, staking and other alluring features thereby giving our project a real-life use case (this is due for release in a couple of weeks), expanding and building communities across Europe and a large part of Asia, just to mention but a few. There are also a number of other key developments in the pipes, most go which will be executed between now and the end of Q4.
The difference between us and other coins, deflationary especially is that we place so much value on our words and the project in general, it’s why we hardly renege on them. The community has been right behind us every step of the way. As we all know, a project that must thrive must have the support of its community. Hence, we have the community to thank as well for all of our milestones.
Question 3: By @ Reinaldo11. (BW India community):
Why the name is Blockburn ? Can you tell the story behind that name? also, Many projects start with a nice roadmap to work good but disappearing in time and losing customers. How will blockburn survive this long and challenging marathon?
(क्यों नाम Blockburn है? आप उस नाम के पीछे की कहानी बता सकते हैं? इसके अलावा, कई परियोजनाएं अच्छा काम करने के लिए अच्छा रोडमैप के साथ शुरू होती हैं, लेकिन समय में गायब हो जाती हैं और ग्राहकों को खोती हैं। कैसे blockburn इस लंबी और चुनौतीपूर्ण मैराथन बच जाएगा)
BEE: Yes, we have quite a number of stories but I will stick with the most vital information. The name Blockburn was birthed from the deflationary model. We chose a model that’s quite different from every other deflationary project out there where the burn mechanism occurs from our master wallet.
I daresay that Blockburn will never go into oblivion because most projects that went into oblivion did that on the premise that they had exhausted all the funds raised through crowd sales or they never had a plan to launch a workable project with a use-case. We have by far proven beyond every reasonable doubt that we are not one of the many money grabs. Blockburn had no IEO and we’ve been able to achieve a lot with our resources. Also, we intend to keep adding more features to the existing features of our app in order to increase demands thereby creating value to token holders.
Question 4 By @Marzuqar (BW Vietnam community):
How do you see the project develop in 3–5 years from now, both business-wise & company wise? What are the plans to expand in different regions? Will you outsource the team/skills or keep it centralized and set up offices?
(Làm thế nào để bạn thấy dự án phát triển trong 3–5 năm kể từ bây giờ, cả kinh doanh khôn ngoan & công ty khôn ngoan? Các kế hoạch để mở rộng ở các khu vực khác nhau là gì? Bạn sẽ thuê ngoài nhóm / kỹ năng hoặc giữ cho nó tập trung và thiết lập văn phòng?)
BEE: We are constantly Developing our platforms and improving in all Areas. Also we are building local Communities in different regions so we can effectively cover the space and get the solutions we offer across to users in different regions. In 3–5 years from now, we see BlockBurn gaining more exposure as well as engaging in more partnership with different merchant and e-commerce company because our DAPPs have more use cases which can also be improved on in the nearest future.
Question 5 By @ Sobarna8 (BW Russia community):
Blockchain metrics sites that evaluate dapp usage highlight how the most popular current dapps are those that focus on gaming, decentralized exchanges, and gambling. As the underlying technology improves, what do you view will be the next area (e.g., finance, IoT, etc.) that you think will bring in the next wave of users?
(Сайты с метриками блокчейна, которые оценивают использование dapp, показывают, как наиболее популярны текущие dapps, ориентированные на игры, децентрализованные обмены и азартные игры. По мере совершенствования базовой технологии, что, по вашему мнению, станет следующей областью (например, финансы, IoT и т. Д.), Которая, по вашему мнению, привлечет следующую волну пользователей?)
BEE: This was quite dicey for us to decide on. We took a number of days to decide the market we intend to target and we figured online gambling and gaming are one of the fastest growing markets in blockchain. So we plan to offer these services in the near future to further drive adoption of BlockBurn.
Question 6 By @ lalaland7i (BW Spain community)
What is the business model of the company? A burning supply is great for investor as there is less dilution of the value, but in my opinion it seems some kind of Lottery, like everyone, was sending money into the ecosystem, hoping to get the prize when rest of tokens are burned. So where is the real case of use of the token?
(¿Cuál es el modelo de negocio de la empresa? La quema de suministro es algo maravilloso para el inversor ya que hay una menor dilución del valor, pero en mi opinión parece casi como participar en una Lotería, como si todos estuvieran metiendo dinero en el ecosistema de BURN, con la esperanza de obtener el premio gordo cuando el resto de tokens se hayan quemado. En tal caso ¿dónde está el caso real de uso del token?)
BEE: This question has been pretty much answered. At first we started without a proper business model and we developed plans based on the needs of the community. They needed a value for burn asides deflation and we brought in utility. So basically, BlockBurn was developed based on the community.
The use case of the Burn token is in our Dapp as earlier mentioned. Most of the features of our dapp can only be accessible to token holders thus making the Burn token a full utility token.
Question 7 By @ cjboi (BW Africa Community)
Aside from expanding the area of blockchain for the both systems, what other benefit does the partnership of BW and Blockburn present.
BEE: Apart from providing liquidity for tokens, BW has provided us a springboard that has helped us in reaching out with members from different regions as such we can say we have seen good marketing days for our project since the inception of BW collaboration. Long term, we know this partnership with BW will bring in more than we have seen in the past few days.
Question 8 By @ mcnncnrr (BW Turkey Community)
Are you considering moving to your own mainnet?
If you are going to, when do you intend to?
(Kendi mainnetinize geçmeyi düşünüyor musunuz geçecekseniz ne zaman geçmeyi düşünüyorsunuz?)
BEE: For Mainnet, currently we do not have plans for that now or in the future to come as we are already deployed in Ethereum Blockchain.
| Section 3: Lively Question
Question 9 By @ Dito 123
$BURN has very interesting projects. I’m sure many people from all over the world would like to take part in the development of $BURN, but there are difficulties with the language barrier. When will $BURN add multilingual projects?
BEE: Great question. We have done quite a number of work on this and we can say we have tried in reaching various other regions by creating a region for them. For now we have 3 active BlockBurn communities and they’re the Indian/Bangladesh community, the Vietnamese community and the phillipinne community. Over time we will add more of these community and the managers of these communities can adequately translate from English to their native which has been effective for a while now
Question 10 By @ Gilangmaw
How do you see yourself in your project? What are some of the best and worst experiences you have encountered upon taking this project and make this as your step to become successful? Are you guys willing to do anything for your project? As you know dumpers are everywhere. You cant control them but did you already planned about this scenario? Just in case?
BEE: Long term, I see BlockBurn being in this space for a long time. We just got the first step, we have a lot more to offer and projects like this do not just die.
We have had a number of best and worst scenarios but I’ll state just a few. The worst scenario would be when we launched this project, people had a hard time believing we will be here long term and we had a hard time getting positive energy from the community but over time this passed as we brought several good news. The best scenarios are yet to come but we’ve had better time from building the dApps, exchange listing and of course, unrelenting support from the community. So we took all steps that were rough and made right steps with them which is why we are still here.
We have done a lot for the project and we are still doing. For a project with no crowdfunding, we have had to sacrifice a lot to push this project forward irrespective of the challenges we had.
For dumpers, every project encounters this. The best we can do is give users reasons to keep believing in the projects by increasing the utility of burn token.
Thanks for watching this AMA. If you are interested in BlockBurn, please visit their official website:
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