The BW Ecosystem
The BW Ecosystem continues to expand with new strategic partnerships and cooperative efforts with other firms in the FinTech sector. This includes a partnership with Paxful to expand global over-the-counter (OTC) markets. Through this partnership with Paxful, the team hopes to solidify its place as an international first-class platform for digital asset services. Furthermore, the team has partnered with the Tron Foundation to help expand the TRX token and ecosystem. The Tron partnership will also help solidify the suite of services as a mainstay to the international digital asset service market. Finally, we will look at the March 2019 partnership with to form an IEO launchpad for new tokens to enter the cryptocurrency markets more efficiently. These partnerships have become a cornerstone to the company’s success and will be pivotal to the mission of becoming a centerpiece within the world of global financial technologies service providers.
Paxful Partnership to form Biggest OTC in the World
In March of 2019, the company formed a strategic cooperation agreement with Paxful, the world’s largest peer to peer trading platform for cryptocurrency assets. The cooperation pact will lead to the establishment of the world’s largest over-the-counter (OTC) market for digital assets in the world. The partnership will allow these OTC transactions to occur through over 350 payment methods, such as PayPal, Skrill, Amazon, Visa/Mastercard, and many other popular methods. The OTC markets will offer currency pairs from over 30 different countries including the dollar, the euro, the ruble, and the Korean won. The two teams hope to establish a greater and more inclusive service offering for their existing customers, while also attracting new customers through the OTC market feature. Through the partnership between and Paxful, the OTC platform will be the largest in the world and offer users unprecedented access to cryptocurrency through the two team’s efforts.
TRON Foundation for dApps
Another important and exciting partnership for the team comes from the Tron Foundation. Tron offers a dApp platform which has skyrocketed in popularity across many different communities throughout the world. The Tron platform partnership with will help play an important role on the platform to help the team secure access to a popular new technology offered by the Tron platform. Specifically, the Tron token, TRX will have more token pairings which will be added to the exchange and should help projects in the future even more so than the current token launchpad already does on While the Tron partnership should help attract more users and better technologies to the BW platform, the launchpad also helps us bring in new technologies as well, which we will discuss more below. This should help Tron get more volume for their platform’s native token. Furthermore, on a similar note, this will also hopefully allow more trading volume to be enjoyed by traders as well.
Umbrella Style Leadership
As many people within the cryptocurrency space saw in 2017, the ICO bubble formed and created a huge frenzy for digital assets. With this ICO craze dying down, there have been new trends toward other similar service offerings. With this in mind, the team partnered with to form a powerful IEO launchpad for new token ventures. This partnership offers a more inclusive agreement with several institutions, including and nested under the ZB Group conglomerate. The conglomerate, formed in 2010, branched into two distinct directions of focus. Now each firm has the ability to zero in on hardware and software, while still supporting both aspects. Through this process, the ZB Group created two sub-groups, known as, which is mainly based on digital currency exchanges and, which is based on the blockchain ecosystem. To further clarify these two closely related but separate organizations, the digital currency exchanges include cryptocurrency trades, OTC trades, CtoC trades, leveraged trade, cryptocurrency finance management, a Stable Token QC currency issued by it, which has successfully captured over 75% of the Chinese digital currency trading market. Furthermore, has maintained its influence and leadership in mainland China over the years and has become one of the world’s top exchanges.
Since its inception in 2011, has been deeply involved in the development of blockchain eco-industries. The main business ventures of include mining pools, mines, mining machines, chips, and blockchain public chain businesses. The mining pool known as BWPool has amassed great success and accounted for one-third of the world’s bitcoin computing power in 2013, while also ranked among the top ten in the world in the history of bitcoin. In addition to having three of the world’s largest mining pools, operates the largest BW mines in Canada and China, while also operating the design and research of BW Mall, professional mining machine chips that focus on professional mining machine design and production.’s mining pool “BW pool” gathers miners from more than 60 countries around the world. BW Mall also sells mining machines to all parts of the world, including Asia, North America, South America, and Europe.
It is precisely due to’s global business needs that it has been cultivating the digital currency ecology for many years. has organized a professional, distributed international team with offices around Australia and offices around the world. It is also the international team of, based on the years of operation and accumulation of the global digital money market, ZB Group built the trading platform based on’s hardware and mining pool advantages and assumed the ZB Group to serve global miners and investors. The mission of the intern Launchpad
The new addition to the partnership between and, which launched in March of 2019, has seen over 40 applications submitted for consideration. This exciting partnership, through the larger umbrella company should help both companies be poised for success within the early stages of the IEO market. For companies to list a token through the launchpad, a project is heavily reviewed by a team that includes Lab to ensure that the project is of the highest quality. The projects are vetted by a team formed by Labs which includes more than 100 foundations, well-known institutions, and investors.
All and all, it is an exciting time for the team and cryptocurrency service provider. These new partnerships will help keep the team busy working diligently on deploying different aspects of these new projects. Hopefully, the projects will continue to grow in a positive direction together and with their combined efforts become empowered to build service solutions in a faster and more efficient manner for both the businesses themselves and the customers they serve. The is thrilled to share the partnerships formed with Paxus, The Tron Foundation, and to create some of the largest ventures in the cryptocurrency ecosystem to date. As the company continues to form new strategic partnerships, we encourage firms who share similar missions to our own to contact us to coordinate further. Together we build stronger and better!